Archive for September 4th, 2010

Choosing the Right Student Loans Consolidation Service

The cost of higher education today is bordering on the ridiculous. Even with the help of grants and scholarships, many students cannot get through school without taking out student loans. After graduation, many students turn to a student loans consolidation service for assistance in paying them back.

Consolidation services will roll all your student loan debts into one lump sum. Instead of paying all the individual creditors, you now make a single monthly payment to the consolidation firm. Many people light up at this idea. Struggling with multiple bills and deadlines gives them a headache. But how can they be sure they’re choosing the right consolidation service?

No one should just blindly sign up with the first financial company that they see advertising consolidation services. A difference of a few tenths of a percentage point on interest rates offered by Company A and Company B can translate into thousands of dollars on large sums. To get the best value possible, people need to shop around for it.

The best place to start is with a company you have a relationship with, namely one from whom you have a student loan. They already have your financial information and know about your situation, so getting the first quote from them is easy. However, you can get your consolidation loan from any lender, even if none of your student loans are from them in the first place.

When getting your quote, remember that it should be completely free of charge. Any company that charges you a fee to obtain a quote or a fee to consolidate your loans is not a reputable company! Do not sign with anyone asking for money up-front.

With the quote from one lender, you’re ready to comparison shop. Make a list of potential companies to consider using the phone book or on the Internet. Ask other graduates what they have done with their loans and if they can recommend a good consolidation firm. Once you’ve narrowed down your list to a handful of prospective consolidation services, request free quotes from them.

After you’ve gotten a few quotes from different places, you’ll have a good feel for the kind of deal you can get. Contact the two or three that interest you most and ask to talk to a financial advisor. An in-person meeting is best, if possible. Make sure to bring along any pertinent documentation so that the advisor can best help you decide what to do next. They can make suggestions about which loans to consolidate and the payment schedule that would work best for you. Talking with lenders will give you a feel for the company and help you choose the one you’re most comfortable with.

After you’ve followed this process, hopefully you’ll arrive at the student loans consolidation service that is the best fit for you. You can consolidate your debt with confidence and know that you’ve made an educated decision that is best for your financial future.